The Huntoon Family- Bobby, Heather, Hailee, Brody, and Josephine
Bobby and Heather have many years of caring for horses under their belts. Bobby has experience in all aspects of horse care, including but not limited to farrier work and arena maintenance. Heather attended Lake Erie College where she majored in Equine Facility Management. Bobby enjoys trail riding, while Heather prefers dressage, but has earned ribbons in a variety of disciplines. Hailee, Brody, and Josie have grown up around horses and animals. They enjoy showing in 4H as well as just riding around the farm.
Their 5 horses live at the Stables, Squirt- Welsh Pony, Rain- Half Arab, Twinkie- American Quarter Horse, Felix- Pony of Americas, and TRex- Trakehner.
At their home in De Soto they live with their 5 dogs, Belle, Wyatt, Finch, Ryder- Wirehaired Pointing Griffons, Rory- hound mix, and 1 cat, Luv E- domestic longhair (not pictured).
*We will always remember Kit (beagle mix) and Sugar (gray grade mare) that received their angle wings in 2022. And William (gray appendix Trakehner) 2002-2023.
I wanted to share where Klassic Key comes from. I have had the opportunity to work with several wonderful horses over the years in my (cough cough) 25 years of riding. But two mares stand out as the most influential, Klassic Mist and Sierra Key, both pictured in the cover photo. Misty ( Klassic Mist),the gray mare was my first horse and she took the best care of me. There just are not words to describe how special she was and still is to me. She taught me and many others including our two oldest children how to ride. We were blessed to love and care for her for over 20 years. Jewel (Sierra Key), the palomino mare, was the first horse I ever trained. She was six months old when she showed up at the barn we boarded at. Her mane had been roached and her forelock was just a little poof of white hair. I spent a lot of time with her and we won our first ever western pleasure class with her amazing rocking horse lope. She got to make other girls dreams come true as well. Both mares have been gone for awhile now but will always hold an extremely special spot in my heart. May Klassic Key Stables bring as much joy to others as these mares brought to me. -Heather